
Why do we need acoustic panels?

Slat panels free of wood

Pet felt acoustic panel is a new innovative approach to slat panels by introducing PET Ployester free of wood, making it more sustainable, flexible and lightweight.

RooAoo ployester felt acoustic panel was drawn with the lines of contemporary styling decorative wall panels, for anyone who wishes to provide offices, restaurants, hotels, and homes with a design-embellished solution amid the added value of removing sound reverberation.

How do acoustic panels work?

When sound waves hit the porous surface of a sound absorbing panel (such fabric, PET wool, etc.), some of the energy from the sound wave is dissipated into the form of heat, reducing the sound energy that is then reflected back into the room.

The effectiveness of an acoustic panel in absorbing sound waves can be quantified by its NRC (Noise Reduction Coefficient). NRC is an average rating of how much sound an acoustic panel can absorb. 

A higher NRC rating means the panel is more effective at absorbing sound. And a low NRC rating means that the panel is less effective in absorbing sound.


Why do we need acoustic panels?

Sound waves produced in a room bounce off the walls, ceiling, and floor, touching hard surfaces with strong-reflective material finishes like concrete or glass. This leads to the creation of reflections that can interfere with the clarity and intelligibility of the sounds, speech or music. 

Acoustic panels are needed to reduce the amount of sound reflection in a room because they are made from materials that absorb sound waves. Therefore, they improve the overall sound quality and clarity, making it easier to hear and understand speech, music, or other sounds. Additionally, acoustic solutions can help reduce background noise levels, making it easier to focus on tasks or conversations. 

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PET felt panels main features

  • Lightweight, making it easy to transport, and apply, offering a less expensive shipment

  • Easy to cut and readjust to the room’s requirements

  • Can be glued or screwed to walls and ceilings

  • Free of wood, metal nails and with joints almost invisible

  • Sustainable, by being manufactured with VicPET Wool, a material produced mainly from recycled plastic bottles

  • Low-emissions material, for good air quality, meeting the human-ecological requirements established for baby articles, without irritating skin or eyes

  • A green product suitable for green project certification

  • Sound absorption properties to control medium and high frequencies, engineered at Vicoustic research lab for VicPET Wool

  • Humidity resistant with no dust generation during handling

  • Washable and easy to clean, simply by using a sponge and water

  • Fits perfectly with the rest of the Vicoustic product range

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